The world would not be the same without superheroes
Choose your Superpower!
Dark Knight
Possesses one of the greatest minds on Earth and unmatched fighting abilities
Man of Steel
Possessing amazing abilities he inspires all by fighting for Truth, Justice and all that is good in the world.
Wonder Woman
A Fierce Warrior Princess whose amazing magical powers are only made stronger by her kind heart.
The Flash
The Fastest man alive becomes a costumed crime fighter and use his powers to protect humanity!
Jedi Knight
travelling from a Galaxy far away, The Jedi knight symbolizes the importance of choosing the right path no matter what the personal cost.
The Dark Lord
Originally a Jedi prophesied to bring balance to the Force, he falls to the dark side of the Force and serves the evil Galactic Empire at the right hand of his Sith master
Space Princesses
True space adventure Heroines, this Princess Jedi Master and Rebel Warrior fight new threats to the galaxy and help bring balance to all.
Space Soldier
Serving the Dark Side, Space Soldiers have specialized combat skills and armour. They are the main ground force of the Galactic Empire.
The Captain
armed with an indestructible shield, he is a great role model for overcoming obstacles and always fighting to do what is right
The Web Crawler
With strength, speed and agility comes great responsibility
Making Earth her new home, Man of Steel's cousin uses the same amazing Superpowers to protect our Planet from threats big and small!
With superior intelligence, technological skill, and ability to overcome fear, this superheroine fights on her own and with the Dark Knight to protect mankind.
Captain Hook
Villain or not, treasure hunting is always fun!
Red Ranger
the leader of his team, he is super fast and possesses extreme strength and agility while saving humanity from all dangers.
Captain Jack
Our most lovable and ethical pirate, he chooses to fight only when necessary, preferring wit and swashbuckling charm to get him out of trouble and into a good time!
More Superheroes
We are always adding new characters to our team - please send us a message and we'll help you find your Superhero!